First job was transporting ten bags of horse pooh to our allotment, which was actually hard work. Equine doo-dah is heavy! The new “barra” did the job though, and soon I had the start of a Norfolk poppoflake mountain. We filled ten bags at Tilney (well, “we” is not quite right!), but one of them split inside our trusty Ford Fiesta……never mind, that bag has made the basis of our compost levels in the big black bin. In the photos, the twigs you see in the foreground are raspberry bushes. Honest. Yes they are. Above is before digging and pooh mountain, below is after.
After unloading our horse cack I set about digging. Hard work. I was briefly worried when someone let off Chinese New Year fireworks, at noon. The digging was good though, any worms I unearthed were lobbed into the compost bin, and a few big pieces of crockery were removed too. The first section is now partly dug.
In time, Shouty the Cockerel yelled “Go To Get A Beeeeeeer”. I initially heard it as “Cock A Doodle Dooo”, but on closer listening Shouty was telling me to go for a pint.
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