Saturday, 16 February 2008

Horse Pooh!

Long Live Freecycle!

I made an appeal for horse manure which we can set aside to rot for a year then use to improve our soil for 2009, and had several offers. Cheers! Today we went to collect our first ten bags from Tilney, halfway between Lynn and Wisbech. Thanks a million to Anderson and family (and horses of course), you've got our pooh-pile off to a flying start, with a promise of more!

Halfway through filling the first bag, the reality of getting up close and personal to a mountain of horse cack lost it's appeal for Sam, and he bravely retreated to the car to listen to the radio/CD while shouting the occasional word of advice out of the tailgate, and singing, alternately, the Banana Splits theme tune and Ride Of The Valkyries. Education (even the way I does it) is a marvellous thing!

The pic is the plop mountain that we've been given access to.

2 comments: said...

I'm here with you mate. Paul. and excellent pictures as well.

Anonymous said...

Good words.