Sunday, 24 February 2008

Worms And Bindweed

Right, the first stretch of ground is now dug over. And it yielded lots of a certain nasty weed and quite a few gardener-friendly critters....

There was a lot of bindweed in the patch I've just finished digging. It's - apparently - a right bugger to get rid of. Callum told me a while ago to chuck it out while you dig. Old Ted echoed his theory in the pub today, adding helpfully that he has seen it as far as 18 inches down. So, the "admin patch" is now covered with strands of bindweed which I will have to gather, isolate, dry, and burn.

It's not all bad though. For every clump of bindweed found, I unearthed a lovely juicy worm. These were all picked up and put in the bucket, and later on added into the compost bin. I know that worms will be attracted from the bottom of the bin, but adding a few in the top won't do any harm. I also dug up a worm that I christened King Of Worms (KOW). As you can see from the picture taken with KOW on the blade of my spade, it's a whopper! It might be nearly as long as the blade if stretched out (I didn't do that though!).

The lovely people at the Woolpack pub have let me have their veg peelings, and these were added for the first time today. They made a good layer on top of the shredded paper just underneath - brown/green equals success so they say! With added worms my bin should soon be off to a good start.

On the subject of compost/veg/ I met my allotment neighbour, a lovely bloke called Paul. After he'd gone home, a small heap of material in the middle of his garden burst into flames! I was amazed. I know that this stuff generates heat but I didn't know that it would be enough to start a bonfire on an overcast, damp Sunday.

The final picture this time is The Shed. I believe it is the most delapidated shed on our allotments. Maybe even on any allotment, anywhere? See the redundant hinges, no longer attached to the door. Which is held in place with a metal tube. I like it! Have you seen a better example of an allotment shed?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think my shed is 100% more wonky than yours!