Sunday, 27 April 2008

Hard Work

Today was just hard work.

The idea was to dig the bit between the potatoes and the raspberries, then plant carrots and parsnips - I didn't get anywhere near that.

The thing is, I am too much of a perfectionist, so as I dig I remove weeds. And there a a shedload of weeds. The section I am digging is the bit next to the raspberries, and it's obvious that there has been nothing here, except humans picking raspberries, for a long time. The piece is 3 metres wide. The first metre is incredibly compacted, so much so that I have to stand on the spade to get it into the ground. The last metre is completely riddled with Couchweed. The middle bit is a delight!

I only got halfway across, before calling it a day, and I was knackered. But I know that the soil I'm digging is going to be a hundred times better for growing on than it was before I started. Tiring, hard work, but worth it - allegedly.
On the positive side, several pea seedlings (above) have appeared in the last 24 hours, and are now safely housed under wirey protection (below)!

So, a slightly negative time on the allotment, BUT!

There's always a But. I managed to arrive early enough to bag a box of Callum's chickens' eggs! Which I shared with Old Bob later at The Woolpack. All the eggs are different sizes and shapes, I can't wait to try one. And at £1 for 6 it's MUCH, much better value than Tesco

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