Friday, 25 April 2008

Sunflowers Ahoy!

19 of the 36 peat pots now have a tiny sunflower plant peeping out of the potting compost....

And that's amazing, because yesterday morning there were none at all. I took them for another visit to the bath (how pampered are they!?) to allow the pots to soak up some water, stuck them back on a sunny windowsill, and just a day later over half of them have made an appearance. Some of the seedlings still have the shell of the seed held proudly aloft.
Even if no more come up, a row of 19 sunflowers will look rather splendid on the allotment.
And there's a sub-plot to the sunflower growing - we're going to hold a competition at The Woolpack. Sunflowers will be "sold" to customers, at £1 apiece, probably, with money raised going towards the KatieChilds appeal. As the cultivator/referee I won't own one myself, but I will treat all the plants equally, same amount of watering, etc. A "Measure In" will take place on a nominated day in August, and the tallest sunflower will win its owner "something". Owners will be free to visit their flower, escorted of course to prevent skullduggery.
If YOU, dear reader, would like to take part in Norfolk's Most Important Sunflower Contest, please do email me at and you'll be in (anonymously if you so desire).
We won't raise a fortune. But it all adds up eh? The winner's prize will be announced.....sometime....

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