Sunday 15 June 2008

We Pick Lettuces!

Our first ever home-grown food!

I thinned out the Little Gems today and harvested a goodly amount of surplus lettuce. I've kept most for my lunches this week, gave three heads to Sam's mummy, and a seed tray full to an extremely foxy lady from King's Lynn who donated some items to our allotment earlier in the week. Thanks Susie, hope you enjoy our lettuce! Sam handed over the seed tray personally - he insisted on it - which was very good as he captivated the lovely Susie and we got to chat for a little longer than we would otherwise. OK, so our Little Gem thinnings aren't what you'd find in the supermarket, but they're tasty all the same. With added holes, snails, roots and soil!

At the allotment Sam also "planted" the first couple of gnomes, stirred the water, and added some "browns" to the compost bin. And....he put his wee in there too! This was extremely funny to Sam, but he peed in the watering can then added it to the compost dalek. It's good for the process, honest!
So. A fruitful day. Lots of hard work ahead. Maybe even starting tomorrow, if I'm not too spent.

Monday 9 June 2008

Raspberries! Lettuces! No Parsnips Though....

Sunday was a hot day on Plot 1265, but rewarding too....

For a start, there are the first few Raspberries appearing at the tops of some bushes, which I tied up to poles which were whacked into the ground using Genial Gerry's on-loan lump hammer. Sam's new bird-scarer now has a temporary home guarding the burgeoning fruit, unitl he decides where he wants to put it himself.

I thinned out the Onions, and felt rather sad that so many of the little fellows had to be dispatched....some I transplanted to fill gaps in other parts of the rows, but a lot hit the weed bucket! They did smell deliciously...."onion-ey" though, I can't wait to dig one up when they've grown more and eat it....the Little Gem Lettuces are thriving too and I'll thin them out on Wednesday....with these thinnings though I'll be able to eat them in my dinner-time sandwiches, instead of throwing them away, lovely!

Towards the end of my visit I actually made a start on The Jungle! Yes, can't really see where I've been yet, but it's progress of sorts.

I had felt quite despondent when I first arrived, not only as I don't seem to be making much headway, but also because I'd lost my key for the gate...luckily Sid The Allotment Boss was on his garden so I managed to buy a replacement for £5. Speaking to Sid is good, as he calls me "Young man"! Not many people do any more. Paul from the next door plot also cheered me up by saying that what I'd done looked good, the rest would come good in time, and don't try to do everything in one go. Just what I needed to hear, thanks mate!

Friday 30 May 2008

The Slug-Hunter General....

Sam helped me install and prime our anti-slug beer traps today, and did a jolly good job too.

I sold the allotment trip to him on the pretext that we needed to bring the wheelbarrow home for me to take the sunflowers to the garden on Sunday. When he heard about the slug traps he was completely up for it.

We had the obligatory race around the plot - which Sam noticed was smaller than the last time we did it, so there must be some progress being made - and then got stuck into the Defensive Anti-slug Measures Programme (D.A.M.P.). I showed Sam how to bury the yoghurt pot with about a centimetre sticking out of the ground, and he did a couple before handing burial duties back to me. When all ten were in place we cracked open the Tesco Value Bitter (97p for 4 cans, 2.1% abv) and Sam filled the pots with foaming pest-bane. Job's a good 'un....

As we were about to leave Sam took himself off for a tour of the plot, and stopped beside the raspberries. "Look Daddy, this one's as tall as me!" (see pic). On closer inspection Sam had found a rogue Runner Bean twining itself round one of our bushes, and which will be summarily dispatched to the compost heap on Sunday. The boy's got a keen eye for a weed, evidently....

Thursday 29 May 2008

Introducing Mister Robin

I have a new workmate at plot 1265 - he's not very talkative though, and doesn't talk about football much. His brain is, literally, the size of a pea.....oh right, I understand, he's probably a Man U fan.....
There's a robin joining me on the garden these days, which is absolutely lovely! He's really friendly and comes closer than you'd expect a wild bird to - but won't pose for a photo. The two pics here are - really! - the best I've managed to take so far. Above he's silhouetted nicely, below you can maybe just make out a blob of his dazzling red chest as he's sitting on top of the pea protection. (Not that there are any pea plants to protect....).

I had a productive time on the garden today, and planted half a row of swede seeds. The other half will go in in a month's time. I also did a lot of weeding and hoeing, which is completely un-newsworthy. The picture of my Little Gem lettuces shows a ton of weeds which are now dispatched to the great allotment in the sky. When I was at the allotment you can see the next 2 metres of tiny lettuce seedlings poking their heads out, not sure if you can here.

Eventually occasional sprinklings of rain decided to change to a constant fall, so I called it a day. Feeling right now? Good, actually. I can't do it all this year, and I'm not even trying to. But if I get some edible produce I'll be delighted.

Monday 26 May 2008

Cold, Wet, And That's Just Just The Soil

BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!It was extremely horrible (but traditional) Bank Holiday weather today, but I am proud to report that I did make it to the allotment for an hour. Admittedly I didn't get a great deal done, but what I did do I won't have to do tomorrow!

And at least the first of the carrots and all the parsnips (complete with VERY wonky rows) are now in.

Hoping for better weather tomorrow, but not expecting it....

Saturday 24 May 2008

Contenders, Ready!

Yoghurt pots, you will go on my first whistle...., nasty beer, you will go on my second whistle......

And slugs, you're about to get your slimy asses whupped and meet your maker! AWOOOOGA!

To be serious, I've made a list of ten things I want to achieve on the allotment on Sunday and Monday, will I manage all ten?

1. Plant carrots
2. Plant parsnips
3. Plant swede
4. Clear weeds around shed end
5. Plant sunflowers on south side of shed
6. Turn over compost
7. Tie up raspberries
8. Plant leeks in pots
9. Assemble mini-greenhouse
10. Collect gnomes

Actually, a couple of them are done already! I'm ahead of the game. Any time left will be used digging a new section of the allotment, as I try to make progress towards Sam's end.....the east end....

Friday 23 May 2008

I Join It Up!

Feeling pretty triumphant today, because yesterday I finally finished the Dig From Hell.

I'm there! I joined up the Raspberries with the Potatoes at last by finishing off the bad bit. I even raked it good and proper, so next time I'm at the plot the Carrots and Parnips will be planted. I am so happy about the allotment - at last! I guess it's just a matter of time before the next problem?

OK I am still only halfway along it, making it good. But that's half more than it was at the start of April....

This pic is meant to be of a Bee on the can only see his bum, thanks to the slow shutter speed of my phonecam, sorry.
I ended up by marking out the carrot and parsnip areas....

One neighbour has decided to approach bird prevention with carrier bags. From my point of view, too noisy. And ineffective, as birds were settling on there all the time. Particularly noisome is a black dustbin bag, which you can see on the left, just past my rake.

Last job of the day was back at home, appealling via Freecycle for holly leaves and unwanted garden gnomes....