Friday, 23 May 2008

I Join It Up!

Feeling pretty triumphant today, because yesterday I finally finished the Dig From Hell.

I'm there! I joined up the Raspberries with the Potatoes at last by finishing off the bad bit. I even raked it good and proper, so next time I'm at the plot the Carrots and Parnips will be planted. I am so happy about the allotment - at last! I guess it's just a matter of time before the next problem?

OK I am still only halfway along it, making it good. But that's half more than it was at the start of April....

This pic is meant to be of a Bee on the can only see his bum, thanks to the slow shutter speed of my phonecam, sorry.
I ended up by marking out the carrot and parsnip areas....

One neighbour has decided to approach bird prevention with carrier bags. From my point of view, too noisy. And ineffective, as birds were settling on there all the time. Particularly noisome is a black dustbin bag, which you can see on the left, just past my rake.

Last job of the day was back at home, appealling via Freecycle for holly leaves and unwanted garden gnomes....

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