Friday, 30 May 2008

The Slug-Hunter General....

Sam helped me install and prime our anti-slug beer traps today, and did a jolly good job too.

I sold the allotment trip to him on the pretext that we needed to bring the wheelbarrow home for me to take the sunflowers to the garden on Sunday. When he heard about the slug traps he was completely up for it.

We had the obligatory race around the plot - which Sam noticed was smaller than the last time we did it, so there must be some progress being made - and then got stuck into the Defensive Anti-slug Measures Programme (D.A.M.P.). I showed Sam how to bury the yoghurt pot with about a centimetre sticking out of the ground, and he did a couple before handing burial duties back to me. When all ten were in place we cracked open the Tesco Value Bitter (97p for 4 cans, 2.1% abv) and Sam filled the pots with foaming pest-bane. Job's a good 'un....

As we were about to leave Sam took himself off for a tour of the plot, and stopped beside the raspberries. "Look Daddy, this one's as tall as me!" (see pic). On closer inspection Sam had found a rogue Runner Bean twining itself round one of our bushes, and which will be summarily dispatched to the compost heap on Sunday. The boy's got a keen eye for a weed, evidently....

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