Wednesday 21 May 2008

Early Morning At The Old Gala Grounds

I got up early as usual for a Wednesday, ready to deliver the crappy free paper, but decided to visit the allotment instead....
It was lovely and still on the plot, and I wasn't the first one there! Birds were singing their hearts out, various cockerels were hollering from various directions, and it was very nice to see our allotment with the sunlight shining on it from a different direction to that which we're used to. It was also warm enough to get down to just a shirt to work in.

Very boring work by the way. I'm STILL ploughing my way across the devil's patch of ground, but after this morning's efforts the end is definitely in sight. I'll have an hour and a bit at it tonight in between dropping Sam off and watching the Champions League Final in The Woolie, and I really hope to finally, finally make it all the way across. It's been a real battle this bit, I hope the rest of the allotment isn't so tough....

So, back home of course now, feeling a warm glow inside. Time to get clean, make chicken sandwiches for work, and head out the door for another day on the charity coalface.

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